Workshop Description

The application of robotic solutions to healthcare has soared in the past two decades, spanning from rigid to flexible and fully soft robots which can aid in diagnosis and therapy inside the human body. Control, design, sensing and fabrication of these robots is based on understanding their behaviour and interaction with the anatomy; this is a major challenge and general approaches are hard to define. In addressing this fundamental challenge, researchers have considered several techniques which range from model-based to data-driven approaches. The former are based on mechanically accurate modelling, while the latter focus on information provided from data and are devoted to learning. The workshop aims at bringing together researchers in the main fields of medical robotics to debate the importance of data with respect to modelling. The goal is to understand areas to explore and how researchers can combine these main approaches, towards improving the current practice in the study of medical robots.

This workshop will be an full-day workshop at IROS 2023, on October 5, 2023 from 8:45 am to 5:00 pm in Room 251A. Workshop schedule here.

Two-submissions for Pioneers of Medical Robotics will be featured where two stellar doctoral/post-doctoral candidates will present their bodies of work. Conference registration for the Pioneers is fully-funded by our Platinum Sponsor Staubli Robotics.

The workshop will also feature late breaking results as Poster Submissions. Scroll down for more details.


Pioneers of Medical Robotics

We introduce the Pioneers of Medical Robotics award as part of our workshop. Two rising-stars in medical robotics have been selected to give a 12(+3) minute talk about their research in the workshop.

IROS23 Registration for the Pioneers will be sponsored by our Platinum Sponsor Staubli.

Poster Submissions

Data vs. Model in Medical Robotics will feature poster presentations.

Late breaking results may be submitted as a 3-page PDF in the IEEE conference format at this link.

Travel awards for a select few posters will be announced soon. Travel awards will be sponsored by our Platinum Sponsor Staubli.


Submission window opens on July 6, 2023.

Submission Deadline is August 15, 2023 at 11:59 PM GMT.

For any questions, please reach out to
